
Co-creating a beautiful world where all Beings can thrive.

Currently based in Amsterdam. Studying sailing at the Enkhuizer Zeevaartschool and creating a playful facilitation ecosystem powered by Cards.


Co-create regenerative expeditions at sea connecting positive impact projects.


My home is in the Azores, where we’re building a forest sanctuary immersed within a thriving community - conveniently located on the major sailing route of the world.

My second home is in the Traditional Dream Factory, where we’re building a model for regenerative co-living while having a lot of fun.


I’m a member of Enspiral - a global network of people helping each other to do more meaningful work.


I co-wrote a book “How to Build a Regenerative Village” - the actionable manual accelerating the transition towards a regenerative way of living, on an individual and planetary scale.

Areas of research

Card Wizard, at Your Service 🧙‍♂️

I’m a facilitation artist creating playful co-creation experiences for events and organisations. Shall we play together?


If you’re curious about my personal journey, read my Moonly Reviews or watch Moonly Videos. Moonly rhythms are dope.

🐦 Twitter - serious fun
🎁 Patreon - gift economy

See you around,

cabin tour 🏡